Greetings IATA Members,
This is Maria Kim, PhD, ATR-BC, LMFT, the new president of the Illinois Art Therapy Association for 2021. It is such an honor to have this opportunity to serve you and the association. I thank the previous and current board members of IATA and AATA who have been working hard to support the growth and sustainability of IATA over the years. I am also grateful to all of you who have been striving to manage many changes in your own lives while making strong professional efforts to support your clients. The pandemic has profoundly stirred many aspects of life. For example, the pandemic has brought to light the often invisible and ignored need for diversity, equality and inclusion. Additionally, it has afforded us the opportunity to do better while also forcing us to confront what we have previously neglected to do. We have had the opportunity to find different ways to keep being alive, connected, and human. More concurrent interaction and sharing is happening now more than ever before. We are now overcoming past obstacles and reaching out to the unseen through video technologies and other forms of communication. To continue to thrive, we need to create together a new normal and work to make sense of the impact on our lives and on our clients. I am hopeful that we can continue to grow together because I know that you are there. We are currently devising a new structure to connect members across the state. I urge you to look for ways to get involved with IATA within your own capacity, wherever you are in Illinois and whenever you can. Please feel free to reach out to me or any of our board members. Thank you again for being there and for the prospect of your future involvement with IATA. We look forward to continuing to serve and support you on your journey. Blessings, Maria Kim, PhD, ATR-BC, LMFT [email protected]
The art therapy community mourns the loss of Myra Levick, PhD, ATR-BC, a legendary pioneer in the field of art therapy. Dr. Levick helped found the American Art Therapy Association (AATA) in 1969 and served as our first president. As she explained in the AATA’s first newsletter, “For the past twenty years artists have been involved in using their skills to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric patients and in more recent years have not only begun to speak and write about their experiences, but have been recognized for their contributions. It is an established fact that an organization must be formed in order to attain professional recognition.” Read more...
RE: IATA programming during the coronavirus pandemic
Dear Illinois Art Therapy Community, You may have noticed that after a robust IATA schedule full of programming and events we’ve taken a step back recently. The coronavirus pandemic has affected us all in one way or another, and in order to preserve the mental health of IATA board members we’ve decided to cancel some of our programs this year. The pandemic has affected us all and mental health care workers have in many cases been on the front lines with nurses, doctors, and other medical staff. Art therapists are helping others cope with the stress of this change and the burden of worrying about finances, family members, and work while we are also experiencing the weight of the pandemic. It’s a difficult time to be a healthcare worker. IATA is still here! We are just operating at a lower frequency. We still have monthly chapter meetings and bi-monthly consultation groups online. Please join us for these events. We want to hear from you as to what you want and need from us. As fatigue sets in from the onslaught of virtual meetings perhaps you want less of them? Or perhaps you want a different kind? Would you like IATA to host virtual meet-ups and social gatherings or other types of events? Would you like to see an online blog with stories from art therapists practicing virtual therapy? We want to hear from you! Please look for an online survey coming out soon soliciting feedback on what you’d like from us during this time. Please also feel free to post on our social media pages or email me at [email protected]. Hope you are staying safe and healthy, Stephanie Clark, LCPC, ATR-BC IATA President By Caroline Eizik, LCPC, ATR-BC
I was thinking about the corona virus the other night while watching Anderson Cooper on TV and trying really hard not to freak out. Earlier in the day I took part in a Facebook discussion about whether or not the corona virus pandemic is a “war” as Donald Trump has said. This led me to thinking about our frontline, the healthcare workers. My daughter and her husband are both nurses who work in a large California hospital. He is an R.N. and works in the Emergency Department. She is a B.S.N. and works on a cardiac unit, often with the elderly, with whom she has a special connection, thanks to her grandma. They have both been exposed to the virus. They have two boys, ages 19 and 15, my grandsons. They were both in the Army and know how to fight a war. But a war on a virus? That seems pretty complicated and “novel” as the virus is called. I’ve been thinking a lot about science lately too. We are lucky to have so many smart people who were willing to study hard to become scientists. If this IS a war, our scientists are the generals. I think this crisis leads us all to pause for a moment and appreciate how brave and necessary these people are to our society. Healthcare workers take care of us when we are at our worst and most vulnerable. They are gentle giants. And parents with kids at home must realize how really important teachers are. Even those parents who already appreciated their children’s teachers, are probably feeling a little extra gratitude today. There are many people who can’t work from home. I read that store clerks are at even more risk for contracting the virus than nurses. And then there are the people frantically stocking the grocery store shelves. Our postmen and women, truck drivers, government workers, the people at McDonald’s who have no healthcare or sick pay, are all working to keep things going. This is a time when we can give up the idea of rugged individualism and understand the reality of our interconnectedness. Sometimes it feels like this is a wake-up call saying, “Pay attention”. As I contemplated the situation, I thought to myself, “What can we do”? “What can art therapists do”? People are surely suffering emotionally as well as physically. As mental health professionals we are in a unique position to help people cope with the extreme stress that we are all experiencing. We understand the effects that excessive, chronic stress has on the body, mind and spirit. Cellist, Yo-Yo Ma was on the 6:00 news the other day. He’s begun a Twitter hashtag called #songsofcomfort. He plays a Dvorak piece that is, indeed, comforting. He’s invited others to participate. The music is beautiful and inspiring. There are a variety of genres that will grow as people continue to share. My yoga studio, Ganesha Yoga on Irving Park Road (a little plug for the best and most inclusive yoga studio ever) is now doing online classes. How can the art therapy community use our skills to help out during this time of so much need? Individually or as a group, or both? What can we do? By Caroline Eizik, ATR-BC, LCPC With the increasing concern over the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States, we imagine that many of you are apprehensive about the effect the pandemic will have on your practice with clients. If the virus continues to spread, it is likely that some people will be asked to stay at home, and some may actually be required to stay at home. What will this mean for you and your clients?
One option that has probably occurred to many of you is the type of services that include electronic communication. This type of therapy is called by various names – telehealth, online therapy, distance therapy, phone therapy, etc. Most of us have used distance technologies in some capacity with our clients, and some of us use these modalities regularly. The technologies in discussion include phone therapy, video conferencing, texting, email and apps. Distance therapy, as we currently know it, has been around for almost 20 years. However, the concept of distance therapy is not new. For instance, Sigmund Freud and other mental health professionals in the 20th century sent letters to people in their care. Through these letters, therapists were able to provide support and receive feedback from people in therapy. Self-help books and online support groups have also been around for a long time. While teletherapy is not new, it is growing in popularity. Research indicates that this is probably due to “customer demand”. With the increasing reliance on the internet for products and services, many people, especially young people, expect to be able to access services online. These urgent times afford us an opportunity to review some of the essential issues related to providing electronic therapy services. While technology has pushed ahead at a rapid pace, licensing laws have not kept up. Research indicates that there is little consistent guidance across states on how mental health professionals should use these forms of electronic communication. Only three states, California, Kentucky, and Vermont, have specific licensing guidelines for distance therapy use. Illinois licensing laws do not directly address distance therapy, but all regular laws do apply. Many states require that you be licensed in both states if you provide electronic services to people who live outside of your state. Providing services in your own state can be simpler and you may be able to reach people who would otherwise be unable to access mental health services. Insurance coverage of telehealth services varies widely across health plans, and reimbursement for these services is often not covered. Check with your malpractice insurance carrier to confirm that you are covered for both in state practice and out-of-state practice. There is currently legislation being proposed in Congress that would remove some of the barriers to distance therapy during national emergencies. This legislation, called the CONNECT for Health Act of 2019 (S.2741), is endorsed by the APA (The American Psychological Association). It’s current progress is not known at this time. Providing therapy online presents unique privacy risks. HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) rules apply to online practice and requires that therapists “maintain reasonable and appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards for protecting e-PHI (electronic health information)”. Online video vendors offer HIPPA compliant services. There are also encrypted email services. A simple online search will lead you to these services. Skpe and GoogleTalk are not HIPPA compliant. In “Ethical Principles for Art Therapists,” The American Art Therapy Association (AATA) addresses the ethics involved in providing electronic services. Informed consent is unique and essential when providing distance art therapy. AATA recommends that art therapists inform clients of the limitations of confidentiality specific to electronic communication. These limitations include the effectiveness of encryption, the permanent nature of posted messages, and public access to information or art work that is posted digitally on electronic media sites. AATA states that if encryption is not possible, art therapists should inform clients of this fact and limit messages to general communication. Informed consent should specify the type of technology being used and should be written as well as verbal. This is a good time to discuss your boundaries around social networking and electronic communication with clients. Let them know what they can expect when it comes to your answering emails, texts, and phone calls. Data indicates that this type of treatment can be effective, but research is inconclusive about which treatments are suitable for telehealth and which are better done face-to-face. It is up to the therapist to assess a client’s potential to participate meaningfully through electronic means. It is essential to know if the client has the knowledge and skills necessary to benefit from distance therapy. Some clients may not be suitable to this process. A client who is suicidal may need more active and intensive services than can be provided long distance. It is important to have adequate emergency contact information in the case that your client faces a crisis. Make sure clients are comfortable with you contacting friends or family in their area. Electronic communications are different from the face-to-face interaction with which we are all most familiar. Issues include client safety, confidentiality, ethical and legal concerns. You should also explore your own capacity and willingness to engage in this type of work. Do you have the skills and knowledge necessary to manage a long-distance therapeutic relationship and crises, if they occur? Do you feel able to relate to others using this type of communication? There are many personal preferences and needs to consider. Distance therapy can lean toward becoming casual, so it is important to observe your interactions and to maintain your usual standard of care and ethical principles. Of course, it is essential that you and your client are competent in the use of the technology you are using. Training in online therapy is widely available (online) and may be helpful Some simple steps include keeping your computer camera at eye level so that you are not looking down at your client. If you take notes, let the client know that you are looking away to take a note. Before you begin, make sure the sound is adequate, but not too loud and that the visual resolution is good. There is data showing that you can form a therapeutic alliance using telepsychology and that these modalities can help people with all sorts of issues. It also can improve treatment by allowing therapists to support clients between sessions. Distance therapy provides client and therapist with a means to switch from in-person to distance therapy when someone is out of town or can’t commute. Telehealth improves access to care for those who live in rural areas or who, due to illness or mobility problems, can’t leave home. It may reduce stigma for those worried about that. It is not our intention to advocate for or against distance therapy, but to provide you with helpful information during this difficult time. We are aware that we did not address HOW you provide ART therapy services electronically, but it would be a great topic for another day. We wish you and your clients good health. References Illinois General Assembly APA Advocacy Update. (2020, March 4). In response to Coronavirus, Reducing Barriers to Telehealth Services, American Art Therapy Association. (2013, December). AATA Ethical Principles for Art Therapists, 15.0 Professional Use of the Internet, Social Networking Sites and other electronic or digital technology. DeAngelis, T. (2012, March). Psychology is developing guidelines for practitioners in this rapidly changing area. American Psychological Association. Practicing distance therapy, legally and ethically. Good Therapy. (2019, April 24). Phone Therapy and Internet Therapy. HIPPA General Rules. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Illinois General Assembly Professions, Occupations, and Business Operations (225 ILCS 107/). Professional Counselor and Clinical Professional Counselor Licensing and Practice Act. Licensing Regulation on Telehealth. Illinois Mental Health Counselors Association. Novotney, A. (2011, June). How psychologists stay ahead of the curve – and keep patients safe? American Psychological Association. Dear Illinois Art Therapy Community,
It’s the beginning of a new decade and with it comes a new, fresh agenda for the Illinois Art Therapy Association. I am truly honored to serve again as president and support the IATA’s transition into a more modern, social justice oriented, and member focused organization. I’d like to repeat my statement from last year and thank the 2019 board members and welcome the incoming 2020 members. Serving on the board is a volunteer commitment, and the hard work and time board members dedicate to the Illinois art therapy community should not go unnoticed. So, thank you everyone who keeps this organization running! During our January chapter meeting the IATA board set intentions for the year, aligned with our mission to promote the field of art therapy and provide networking and programming opportunities to art therapists. Our biggest goals for the year include:
We are also excited to continue the momentum we started last year with previous goals and achievements. Some of our action items continued from 2019 include:
The IATA communications team has really revamped the face of IATA online and we look awesome! Please periodically check our website and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay informed of events and meetings. Our website also includes a job board, local event announcements, and hopefully soon a blog with the capability to interact with the community. Visit our board member page to see who our current and new board members are! The new Director of Membership, Marivel Vargas, will initiate a membership campaign this year with the goal of increasing membership and engagement. If you are currently a member (THANK YOU!) we would like to hear what you want from us. If you’re no longer a member, we’d like to find out why and how to get you back! Be on the lookout for an email, phone call, or online meeting invitation to discuss membership benefits. Being a member of the IATA really helps the art therapy community and we’d like to tell you how. Let’s have a chat and check our website for reasons why you should become, or stay, a member. Like I said, we’d like to hear your voices, and luckily we can hear you from all over the state with GoToMeeting. Our chapter meetings are open to chapter members by logging on to the website through a link shared in our email newsletter and posted on the website. If you’re in Chicago, please also visit us during our quarterly in-person chapter meetings or at one of our meet-ups or upcoming programs. Our website always has the most recent dates for events. Our first program of the year is this Saturday, February 8th. Come join us in learning how to make puppets and yarnies! CEUs available! Detailed info is at Please always feel free to email me at [email protected] if you have any thoughts, questions, concerns. Sincerely, Stephanie Clark, LCPC, ATR-BC We are IATA Interview
Daina Norusis, LCSW, CADC, CRSS Position on IATA Board: Outreach Chair Tell me a little about what brought you to art therapy. I studied psychology and theology in undergrad. After graduation, I traveled the world as a missionary, then got a degree for social work and am now a social worker. I am currently in school for art therapy. Where are you currently working? I am an independent contractor with What brought you to IATA? What were you hoping to gain or experience by joining? I was looking to connect with art therapists for school, but also needing to see where I can go after I graduate, like who are my people, like finding my niche. I wanted to find who the people are in the Illinois chapter of AATA. What are your goals while being on the board? My goals are to stretch myself and put myself in a learning position in a different way than in a classroom setting. From a networking standpoint, I like meeting new people - meeting as many people as I can on the board - which is a great opportunity. I hope to get to know as many art therapists as I can. Are you working on any special projects for IATA? I’m not working on any special projects, just trying to reach out to new people - trying to think of different, out of the box people, people who would be easy to contact who would benefit from our contact. What could IATA provide the public? IATA can provide a better understanding of what art therapy is, and a deeper understanding of creative beings who were born to create. IATA can be a vessel to spread that message to the public. What does the future of IATA look like? I have a lot of hope for the future of IATA. Just based on looking for art therapists to intern with, it seems that there are solid people [as art therapists]. IATA can target the students, we can become more of a wave and have a larger purpose with a new voice. Something bigger than just a meeting. Read the entire newsletter by clicking here.
We are IATA Interview
Stephanie Clark LCPC, ATR-BC, LSOTP Position on IATA Board: President Tell me a little about what brought you to art therapy. I’m originally from a small town in Kansas. During my adolescent years, my dad was sick and I was pissed off at the world. I used art and poetry as a way to work through all of that anger and throughout high school I felt better the more I was writing and doing art. When I was a senior in high school I visited Emporia State University. I met with one of the professors in the art department and he showed me all the different areas of study in the art department along with a brochure with art therapy. I thought, oh my god that’s what I’ve been doing these past four years! I really had one of those Aha moments that I knew immediately with every part of my being that I wanted to be an art therapist. I wanted to help young people going through difficult things that I didn’t have. Where are you currently working? I am a child and family art therapist for the Children’s Research Triangle. I work with children and families who have experienced trauma. What brought you to IATA? What were you hoping to gain or experience by joining? After I graduated from SIUE (Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville), I moved to Chicago and I wanted to meet other art therapists in Chicago. I started attending programs and was invited to join the board in 2014. What are your goals while being on the board? My goal as president is to increase engagement and participation. And help make IATA a place where art therapists can come together to support each other, learn from each other, celebrate with each other, cry with each other, and make the world a better place. Are you working on any special projects for IATA? I’m here supporting everyone else’s projects. As president I see myself as a motivator and cheerleader for the rest of the board. I am a sounding board. I am really proud the work we have done collectively, which includes monthly meet-ups, new website and social media pages, and upcoming programing. I am solidifying our goals for the next few years. We are looking for art therapists to join us. What could IATA provide the public? As art therapists we are often isolated in our work and misunderstood. IATA is a place for both therapists to feel connected and supported, and also provide education and public understanding of our work. What does the future of IATA look like? I would love for IATA to grow in membership and participation, have more programing, more social events, and work towards state licensure. In the next few years, people to think of IATA and smile knowing there is a group of people passionate about therapy and working together towards being inclusive for all art therapists. |
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February 2021
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